Thursday, April 08, 2010

Oh Baby!

Well today was the big ultrasound day. I was so nervous/excited because this was the appointment to determine if I was going to have surgery to remove my cyst. I've had two weeks since the last appointment to come to terms with my cyst and the fact that I could have surgery, I could lose an ovary, a would have a huge scar, and I might (small chance but still) lose the baby. It wasn't a pleasant experience but I came to terms and decided there was nothing I could do about any of it. So I went in to the office with my heart a-pittering and a-pattering from nervousness and a lack of sleep the night before.

I was also really excited because I am now 16 weeks which is the so said week that an ultrasound tech could tell if my freaky fetus is a boy or girl. I was a little worried going in since last time I went in, I was only 14 weeks and I asked if she could possibly tell what it is. She looked only for a split second and said snobbishly, "Well it looks like a boy but it's too early to tell..." and promptly started looking at the boring cyst again.

However, today, she asked if we would like to know the sex of the baby to which I replied, "Heck yes!" and she looked. At first we were unsure. She said it looked like a boy but I said that it kind of looked like a girl with the "three lines" thing going on. We both said oh well and moved on to look at the profile but when she froze the frame, we got a bonus as well.

Can you see it? It's a BOY!

Tyler and I were just grinning from ear to ear at the thought of a little boy in our lives. Now I can start concentrating my thoughts towards blue baby things. I'm so freakin' excited!

Oh and the other good news was that I don't have to have surgery!...(yet). The doctor said that as long as it's not causing any pain, we shouldn't worry about it. I'm immensely relieved that I don't have to go under the knife so close to when school is going to start.

Today was just one of those lucky days. Now I can't believe I lost sleep over it.


Ann Barlow said...

*high pitched scream of excitement*

Christian and Ryann Hulme said...

Oh boy! Woohooo! And we really are praying that you do fine and don't have to get surgery! See you soon!

maynardmoments said...

Yippie Skippie! Our boys will be so close in age. I am very happy for you guys.

The very Happy newly parents said...

yippy Jessica and Tyler! A little Wrestling friend for Asher i am so excited for you both! That awesome that you could find out so early

Gurr Family said...

That is so exciting. I didn't realize that you were that far along.
I hope all is well with everything else.

PiaNoSPaZ said...

Awesome!! That is so exciting! And I'm glad you don't have to get surgery (yet).

Mike Daley said...

Are you sure? Looks Photoshopped to me......